Design rational filters using numerical arithmetic operations:
![Design rational filters using numerical arithmetic operations](web/splash1.png)
x = rkfun; f1 = rkfun('step',5); f2 = rkfun('cheby',3); f2 = 1./(1 + 0.05*f2(2*x-2).^2); ezplot(f1+f2)
Partial fraction conversion and root-finding for rational functions:
![Partial fraction conversion and root-finding for rational functions](web/splash3.png)
r = rkfun('(x^3 - x^2 + 1)/(x^4 + 1)'); s = rkfun('cayley'); res = residue(r(s)); rts = roots(r(s)); pls = poles(r(s));
Nonlinear fitting of transfer functions and pole identification:
![Nonlinear fitting of transfer functions and pole identification](web/splash4.png)
This slide shows the fitting of a frequency response using the RKFIT algorithm.
See this example for more details.
![Nonlinear fitting of transfer functions and pole identification](web/splash4.png)
This slide shows the fitting of a frequency response using the RKFIT algorithm.
See this example for more details.
Parameter optimization for matrix function approximation:
![Parameter optimization for matrix function approximation](web/splash5.png)
Optimized poles for the approximation of the matrix exponential function.
See this example for more details.
![Parameter optimization for matrix function approximation](web/splash5.png)
Optimized poles for the approximation of the matrix exponential function.
See this example for more details.
The RKToolbox is downloaded and installed within seconds:
![The RKToolbox is downloaded and installed within seconds](web/install.png)
To get started, have a look at the guide and example collection.
Please contact us with any feedback or questions:
Mario Berljafa Steven Elsworth Stefan Güttel
![The University of Manchester](web/uomlogo.png)